Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 14 Response Prompt

This article is about the history that Aids have taken place in America. Aids was first reported in America in 1981, which wasn’t too long ago. The article covers the views of people and how it affected them and it also covers some myths about Aids. One part of the article covered a story about how Aids is not a “gay disease.” Ryan White was a teenager who had gotten HIV from a blood product that was to help with Hemophilia. With his death in 1990, the Ryan White CARE Act was formed to fund and support HIV-Aids programs. Another part of the article covered how the gay community was affected with the world panicking about Aids. This was followed by the author writing about assumptions that were made. Many people assume that if you are gay or black you have Aids.
When I first read this article I was very interested in what the author was going to say. I really enjoyed this article because it is providing people information about Aids. It is providing information that many people do not know and it also disputes any false myths about Aids. It really does bother me that people think only gays or blacks can get Aids, but after reading this article they will realize that straight and white people can also get Aids. I hope that more people will want to support and fund programs that will educate the public about Aids after reading this article.
The authors stand point in this article is a positive, informative one. He does not make Aids sound like a “gay disease” but instead starts to educate the reader about the truth. He is smart enough to not make assumptions about this disease and wants to share this knowledge with others.
One question that I have for the author is why write about America and not about the world?

Week 14 Prompt 2

One area of writing that I will continue to work on after English 101 is to use my sources to their fullest potential. English 101 taught me that resources are very important in any kind of paper. Resources are the evidence that will back up your thesis statement; therefore, making your paper much stronger. Without any type of evidence your paper will be nothing more than your own opinion. No reader will listen to you because they could write the same exact paper. However, with scholarly resources, the reader will know you worked hard and they can believe your thesis. One way that I will employ doing so is in future research papers. I will take what I have learned this year and apply it to future assignments.
Another area of writing that I will continue to work on after English 101 is blogs. I have a Xanga account that I do write in. Blogs are something fun to do that helps you express yourself. You can write about anything you want and no one can criticize you on it. You don’t need any evidence to back up what you write about because this is all free writing. I really did enjoy blogs this semester, the only that was hard about it was the deadline.

Week 14 Prompt 1

The process I took in constructing my portfolio consisted of many steps, it is important to get everything. My first step is to revise paper number four and see how many revised pages I can get with that. Paper number is required in the portfolio so I need to know how many more revised pages I need. The next step is to choose which of the three remaining essays I would use to add more revised pages to my count. I would choose the essays that I think will better represent my writing abilities. The third step is to revise the chosen essays further too finally get the twenty-two pages required. If I needed more revised pages I could also revise blogs that I had previously done. Revising blogs are always a good option if more pages are needed. The final step in putting together the portfolio is to make sure I have all necessary papers. I would have to check to make sure I have my portfolio reflection letter draft one and two, paper number four, any other essays that I would use, the permission form that my former group members have signed, and anything else that would be needed.