Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 5 Prompt 1

Our group had to first decide on a topic that everyone at least knew about. We at first could not think of any topics that would be good to write about. We asked our instructor on some ideas and she gave us one about sports and games. We then started brainstorming about how to write about sports and games. We had to be inventive about our ideas because we didn’t want the same ones as another group. I had come up with an idea of how sports will one day become obsolete because of video games. But we soon realized that it would be hard to prove with solid evidence. The only way to prove that would be by opinion. So my group had to be creative again so we finally decided on the argument of evolution versus creation. Our group later decided that we all believed in both creation and evolution. So our topic will be about how the world was created by evolution and creation.

Week 5 Thesis Statements

1. Evolution and creation have been fighting the war for dominance in this world, but who said it cant be both?

2. There are those who say evolution others will say creation and then there are those who believe in both. We are those people.

3. Thanks to Charles Darwin we have the theory of evolution and thanks to God we have creation. I believe God and Charles have worked hand in hand to create a new theory.

4. The arguments between whether evolution or creation created this earth is getting old. We have a new argument that it was neither creation nor evolution. Our argument is that it was both.

5. Despite all of the fights on which actually created the world. Evolution and creation actually have more things in common than you can imagine.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 5 Response Post

My article is about China's milk industry and how low the standards have become. Recently, in China there have been four deaths of babies that have been linked to milk. Thousands of others have also gotten ill from the milk in China. Milk production in China is so low that the quality of the milk is bad. Farmers will actually water down the milk to increase the quantity by thirty percent. Then the middle men will add melamine to increase the protein amount. Because no one has tested milk for melamine it was sold to the public with this dangerous chemical. Sanlu, is the company that where this problem had started from. This company even knew about the chemical being put into the milk, yet they did not say anything.
The writer’s stance on this article is to show the public how China lacks standards for their milk industry. Within the first paragraph the author immediately starts off with stating four babies have already died. The author also provides no good points to as why this happened. The author only provided facts about how bad this situation actually is.
I am extremely horrified that Sanlu did not stop the sale of this milk. They are so greedy that they were willing to risk human lives to make money. It is extremely sad that four babies had to die and thousands of others had to get sick for Sanlu to tell the truth. Sanlu, should have not bought any milk that contained melamine in it.
One question I have about this article is: why not invest in better care for cows? If they invested in the health and well-being of the cows then this problem wouldn’t have happened. They should also test the milk for melamine before they buy it. Because now they will be sued for thousands of dollars because they caused four deaths. They would have saved money in the long run if only they realized the consequences.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 3 Response post

My news article is about Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter Bristol, who is only seventeen. I’m not surprised that her daughter is pregnant because any daughter can become pregnant. It is just a big deal because Sarah Palin is John McCain’s running mate for 2008. Anything having to do with someone of “celebrity” status is turned into a huge commotion. There are other teenage mothers all over the world, but it’s not a big deal because they aren’t “famous.” For instance, the huge commotion over Jamie Lynn Spears was because she was pregnant, young and famous. Honestly, why would the press make a big thing about it? Because its politics and they want to make Sarah Palin look like a bad mother and a bad senator. I don’t think that politics should smear the family members in public. It’s not fair to the candidates and to their families. The press thinks it is all fair and game to slur family name but how would they feel about their family being scrutinized by the public? Imagine how Bristol feels about being seventeen, unwed, and married. I’m sure she is already embarrassed by the whole thing and the press just makes it worse.
The author’s stance in the article is one that is unbiased because it provides both sides of the story. One side of the story is that Sarah Palin will be a bad candidate because she can’t even keep her daughter from getting pregnant. Others say that it’s just something that happens and that it shouldn’t be a big deal. But it is a good thing that the author shows both side of the story so the reader can decide how they want to view the story in their minds.
One question that I have about the topic is: How does Sarah Palin feel about her daughter’s pregnancy?

Week 3 Prompt 2

I strongly believe that education is not important because you can also find a job. And in this world money is what keeps it going. Right after high school you can also work at McDonalds and start making money already. The sooner you start working the faster you climb the corporate ladder and the more you’ll get paid. By going to college you have to pay college tuition which results in debt already. By getting a job you don’t have any debt you can only gain money from working. Plus working early instills good morals in the children of today and that can be passed on to their children. That is why I believe that education is a waste of time.
I strongly believe that education is one of the most important things to have in life. Without having education you will have jobs that will provide almost nothing for you and your family. How can you send your children to the doctor or to college on a minimum wage? By going to college first you can start off at a better job and get paid more. That’s why education is very important in today’s world.

Week 3 Prompt 1

Strategies that I will adopt from A Writer’s Reference to use for my paper include: letting details tell your story, structuring your essay like a story, and making connections between your experiences and those of your readers.
I want to use details in telling my story because it not only helps capture the attention of the reader but also keeps the attention of the reader. As a reader myself I am more captivated by a personal essay when the reader gives better details. Because it helps you imagine yourself in place of the writer throughout the story.
Another strategy that I would use in my personal essay is to structure my essay like a story. Stories tend to be more interesting and captivating than an essay. The chronological sequence helps the reader and writer keep track of the happening events. And because most stories are in chronological order it will help the reader relate it to a story.
The last strategy that I would use is to make connections with your readers. By personally connecting to your reader it makes the reader understand a greater amount of what we’re trying to get through.