Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 5 Response Post

My article is about China's milk industry and how low the standards have become. Recently, in China there have been four deaths of babies that have been linked to milk. Thousands of others have also gotten ill from the milk in China. Milk production in China is so low that the quality of the milk is bad. Farmers will actually water down the milk to increase the quantity by thirty percent. Then the middle men will add melamine to increase the protein amount. Because no one has tested milk for melamine it was sold to the public with this dangerous chemical. Sanlu, is the company that where this problem had started from. This company even knew about the chemical being put into the milk, yet they did not say anything.
The writer’s stance on this article is to show the public how China lacks standards for their milk industry. Within the first paragraph the author immediately starts off with stating four babies have already died. The author also provides no good points to as why this happened. The author only provided facts about how bad this situation actually is.
I am extremely horrified that Sanlu did not stop the sale of this milk. They are so greedy that they were willing to risk human lives to make money. It is extremely sad that four babies had to die and thousands of others had to get sick for Sanlu to tell the truth. Sanlu, should have not bought any milk that contained melamine in it.
One question I have about this article is: why not invest in better care for cows? If they invested in the health and well-being of the cows then this problem wouldn’t have happened. They should also test the milk for melamine before they buy it. Because now they will be sued for thousands of dollars because they caused four deaths. They would have saved money in the long run if only they realized the consequences.

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