Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 5 Prompt 1

Our group had to first decide on a topic that everyone at least knew about. We at first could not think of any topics that would be good to write about. We asked our instructor on some ideas and she gave us one about sports and games. We then started brainstorming about how to write about sports and games. We had to be inventive about our ideas because we didn’t want the same ones as another group. I had come up with an idea of how sports will one day become obsolete because of video games. But we soon realized that it would be hard to prove with solid evidence. The only way to prove that would be by opinion. So my group had to be creative again so we finally decided on the argument of evolution versus creation. Our group later decided that we all believed in both creation and evolution. So our topic will be about how the world was created by evolution and creation.

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