Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 6 Response Post

This article is about Oprah Winfrey trying to frame the ex- headmistress of the school she owns in South Africa. The ex-headmistress, Nomvuyo Mzamane, is suing Oprah for $250,000 dollars in court. Oprah suggested that Nomvuyo knew about the abuse going on in the school. However, Nomvuyo claims she did not know anything and that Oprah is framing her. The incident of the abused girls was when a matron, Tiny Virginia Makopo, abused six girls. It is claimed that she tried to fondle and kiss the girls. She would also kick and punch them.
I’m not surprised that an incident like this happened because it happens in a lot of schools. It is in the news because it is the school that Oprah built and owns. Incidents like this happen all over the world and most people try to cover it up. They try to cover it up because it gives the school and everyone associated with the school a bad name. There isn’t enough information for me to decide on who is wrong or who is right. Oprah could be telling the truth or she could be lying to cover up this incident. I think most celebrities will try and cover up something that causes them to look bad to the public.
The authors stand point in this article is neutral because the author provides a back story to each side. It tells the reader of Nomvuyo who is suing Oprah and it tells of Oprah suggesting that Nomvuyo knew about the abuse. The author also provides information that had come previously about the six girls being abused. The matron has pleaded innocent to the fourteen counts of indecent assault, assault, and criminal injury. The author does not write towards one side because there isn’t enough information or truth to do so.

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