Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Prompt 1

In Japan, there is act that has been passed and it results in nothing but gruesome deaths. Ninth graders from the same classes are pitted against each other on an island. There can only be one winner; everyone else must die. The kids don’t want to fight but Kitano, a teacher, argues that “It's your own damned fault. You guys mock grown-ups. Go ahead and mock us but don't you forget...Life is a game. So fight for survival and find out if you're worth it,” this begins the movie, Battle Royale.
The movie starts off with an attention grabber by revealing who has won another game of battle royale. As they show the girls face, she has a terrifying grin on her face; foreshadowing the grisly things to come. That grin shows how psychotic she has become because of this crazy game. This draws you in because then you start to wonder what has actually happened. The director uses good camera angles making the movie flow. The technical work makes such a big impact on the person watching the film because you get to follow the story plot of many characters. This is especially important with a plot so different and out there.

Thanksgiving Prompt 2

I think Americans should all celebrate Thanksgiving because it is a time when family comes together. I think that is the most important thing about this holiday. The historical purpose to me is just history. To me, Thanksgiving is when we get to see family we haven’t seen in a long time and to eat really good food. The food during the holidays is something that everyone craves and because of Thanksgiving we can satisfy this craving. I mean think about mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, and many other goodies you can eat. This day brings all families closer together whether it is with lunch or dinner. Some family members cannot see each other anytime of the year, but they will make a special trip for Thanksgiving.
Another reason they should all celebrate Thanksgiving is to help stimulate the economy. The economy isn’t so good right now but with a special holiday people are willing to spend more. That means with more spenders there is more money within our economy. By stimulating the economy you can help out other people who have been hurt by the bad economy. Basically all you have to do is buy food, eat well, and you have stimulated the economy just like that.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Prompt 3

I’m thankful for the person who has taken care of me. Who showered me with endless love and devotion. I will love you forever.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 13 Prompt 2

Since my peer review on Monday I have identified a couple of things that need to be revised. They include: length of the paper, adding in different sources, using all the resources, and getting someone to revise it. If I were to rank these by priority then length of paper would be the top, then using all resources, then getting someone to revise it, and finally adding in different resources.
I listed length of my paper as number one because it is definitely the one that needs the most work. The length of my paper was very far from the required 1800 words, minimum. So I would have to fix that problem first. Next, was adding in more resources because I didn’t have the chance to. I only used about three resources total in my first draft. So I would have to try and use more resources in my next draft. After I get all of those revisions done then I would ask someone to revise my entire paper. That way I can see what needs to be revised more before I start on anything else. The final thing on priority for me was to add in different resources. Because if I got my paper revised and I didn’t need more sources it would be pointless to add in different sources before.

Week 13 Prompt 1

Before the peer review in class I knew what my strengths and weaknesses were. I had gone over my paper earlier so I knew what I needed to work on. My weaknesses include the fact that the length of my paper does not reach the requirement. Another weakness that I had was not using all the resources I had. I only used one source for part of my essay which isn’t good. Because I have other great resources but haven’t even touched them yet. Another weakness that I have but can fix is my introduction. I don’t think it is an introduction that will capture the audience’s attention.
One strength that I have in my paper is the fact that I have many resources. Because I haven’t even touched on all the sources I have meaning I can write a lot more with them. When I revise my paper I will have to use all of my resources and that would mean a better paper. One other strength that I have is the points that I’m using in proving my thesis are in great number. I had a hard time choosing which ones to write about in fact.

Week 13 Response Post

This article is about Joseph Fritzl who held his daughter Elisabeth a prisoner for twenty four years. While held captive Elisabeth was raped and abused by her father resulting in having seven children. Three of the kids were raised by the Elisabeth’s mother who had no idea where her daughter was. She believed Elisabeth had joined a sect and was unable to take care of her kids. Three children were also kept in the cellar with Elisabeth, never seeing sunlight. The last child died shortly after birth because Joseph Fritzl did call for help. Austrian prosecutors are charging him with slavery, rape, and possibly murder. Joseph Fritzl was caught when the eldest of his children with Elisabeth got sick. Nineteen year old Kerstin fell ill and when they took a blood sample they realized who her parents are.
As soon as I read this article I got sick to my stomach because this is an insane story. How could a father do this to his own child? How could he repeatedly rape her and abuse her? Let alone enslave her with three of her children for so many years. I don’t want to pity Elisabeth but that’s all I can feel for her. I pity that she had to go through all of that and that her children have to live with the fact that their grandfather is also their father. I would expect them to all be mentally unstable and would have to go through years of counseling. I hope Joseph stays in jail for a really long time.
The article is written with a bias that leans toward Elisabeth because they want the readers to show compassion to her. The author doesn’t want any compassion shown to Joseph because what he did is unforgivable. One question I have about this article is what happened during Joseph’s childhood?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Week 11 Prompt 1

Shinto religion has been a constant in lives of many Japanese living in Japan. Where they live, where they work, extra- curricular activities have all been influeced by this religion. Without Shinto religion we would not have traditions such as Obon, Matsuri, and great movies such as "Spirited Away."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 10 Response Post

This article is about the confirmation of millionaire Steven Fossett’s death. Fossett went missing back in September 2007 while traveling a flight alone. A hiker had found Fossett’s belongings last month and so another search began for Fossett. Bones were found about half a mile away from the crash site. These were later confirmed to be part of Fossett and this then confirmed his death. Fossett often broke records and was even the first person to circle the world solo in a balloon. His widow, Peggy, believes finding his bones is just "another step in the process of completing the investigation into the tragic accident that took Steve's life". The initial search was from Yosemite National Park in California to Nevada’s Walker Lake. Another search that took place in July 2008 was in the area of California’s Bodie Hill. The last search was during October 2008 where he was found near California’s Mammoth Lake.
My reaction to this article is that it was a tragic accident but at least now they can confirm he’s dead. His widow doesn’t have to wonder day and night where her husband is. She can finally get the closure that everyone deserves with a death. Fossett can now get a proper funeral to celebrate his life and accomplishments.
The author’s stance on this article is unbiased because this article is to just inform the public about the confirmation of death. The author provides only true, relevant information on the death of Steven Fossett. He doesn’t side with anyone because there is no side to this article. It is just an article to inform the public with the correct information. Other authors would have to write the article the same way because there is no side to take. One question I have about the article is why did the plane crash?

Week 10 Prompt 2

Here I was again in a rush to complete what I thought I could get done within the hour. The minutes were counting down and I was starting to panic. Why did I wait last minute to do my paper!
I always managed to get papers done on time even when I procrastinated during high school. But college was so different it was harder to get things done. I wanted to hang out with friends and have fun all the time. So I put off my homework figuring I could get it done before it was due. That’s when I slammed into the wall when I wasn’t looking. The homework load hit me hard and I didn’t even see it coming. I had to compromise the quality of my work to get everything done on time. It was affecting my grade and then that’s when I realized. Michelle, you can always hang out with friends later but homework needs to be done now! So as I told myself that I decided to try and get all homework done early. I wanted to present quality homework to get the grades I needed. Just recently I got my paper back that I started early on and I got an A! It was a happy day and I enjoyed the rest of it with a smile.

Week 10 Prompt 1

My news article is about Sarah Palin’s pregnant daughter Bristol, who is only seventeen. I’m not surprised that her daughter is pregnant because any daughter can become pregnant. It is just a big deal because Sarah Palin is John McCain’s running mate for 2008. Anything having to do with someone of “celebrity” status is turned into a huge commotion. There are other teenage mothers all over the world, but it’s not a big deal because they aren’t “famous.” For instance, the huge commotion over Jamie Lynn Spears was because she was young and famous. Honestly, why would the press make a big thing about it? Because its politics and they want to make Sarah Palin look like a bad mother and senator. I don’t think that politics should smear the family members in public. It’s not fair to the candidates and to their families. The press thinks it is all fair and game to slur family name but how would they feel about their family being scrutinized by the public? Imagine how Bristol feels about being seventeen, unwed, and pregnant. I’m sure she is already embarrassed by the whole thing and the press just makes it worse.
The author’s stance in the article is one that is unbiased because it provides both sides of the story. One side of the story is that Sarah Palin will be a bad candidate because she can’t even keep her daughter from getting pregnant. Others say that it’s just something that happens and that it shouldn’t be a big deal. But it is a good thing that the author shows both side of the story so the reader can decide how they want to view the story in their minds.
One question that I have about the topic is: How does Sarah Palin feel about her daughter’s pregnancy?