Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Prompt 2

I think Americans should all celebrate Thanksgiving because it is a time when family comes together. I think that is the most important thing about this holiday. The historical purpose to me is just history. To me, Thanksgiving is when we get to see family we haven’t seen in a long time and to eat really good food. The food during the holidays is something that everyone craves and because of Thanksgiving we can satisfy this craving. I mean think about mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, ham, pumpkin pie, and many other goodies you can eat. This day brings all families closer together whether it is with lunch or dinner. Some family members cannot see each other anytime of the year, but they will make a special trip for Thanksgiving.
Another reason they should all celebrate Thanksgiving is to help stimulate the economy. The economy isn’t so good right now but with a special holiday people are willing to spend more. That means with more spenders there is more money within our economy. By stimulating the economy you can help out other people who have been hurt by the bad economy. Basically all you have to do is buy food, eat well, and you have stimulated the economy just like that.

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