Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Prompt 1

In Japan, there is act that has been passed and it results in nothing but gruesome deaths. Ninth graders from the same classes are pitted against each other on an island. There can only be one winner; everyone else must die. The kids don’t want to fight but Kitano, a teacher, argues that “It's your own damned fault. You guys mock grown-ups. Go ahead and mock us but don't you forget...Life is a game. So fight for survival and find out if you're worth it,” this begins the movie, Battle Royale.
The movie starts off with an attention grabber by revealing who has won another game of battle royale. As they show the girls face, she has a terrifying grin on her face; foreshadowing the grisly things to come. That grin shows how psychotic she has become because of this crazy game. This draws you in because then you start to wonder what has actually happened. The director uses good camera angles making the movie flow. The technical work makes such a big impact on the person watching the film because you get to follow the story plot of many characters. This is especially important with a plot so different and out there.

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