Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 13 Prompt 2

Since my peer review on Monday I have identified a couple of things that need to be revised. They include: length of the paper, adding in different sources, using all the resources, and getting someone to revise it. If I were to rank these by priority then length of paper would be the top, then using all resources, then getting someone to revise it, and finally adding in different resources.
I listed length of my paper as number one because it is definitely the one that needs the most work. The length of my paper was very far from the required 1800 words, minimum. So I would have to fix that problem first. Next, was adding in more resources because I didn’t have the chance to. I only used about three resources total in my first draft. So I would have to try and use more resources in my next draft. After I get all of those revisions done then I would ask someone to revise my entire paper. That way I can see what needs to be revised more before I start on anything else. The final thing on priority for me was to add in different resources. Because if I got my paper revised and I didn’t need more sources it would be pointless to add in different sources before.

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